Friday, April 11, 2014

The Journey begins

Hello to all of you.
I am writing to you as you have all touched my life in some way.
There is no easy way to start this email. I have the biggest challenge ahead of me and wish to make you all aware of my trials.

Earlier this week I had a Gastroscopy which discovered a tumor in my oesophagus. After an urgent CT scan and biopsy results, I have been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma.  The CT reports indicate that this can be treated and will inevitably have to have surgery, chemo and radiation.

Our family have a huge journey with many challenges ahead of us. James and I are used to challenges and work strongly together during these times, however this is the biggest to date and we have to keep positive every step of the way.
Please send positive thoughts and prayers our way.
Yours Elaine

Elaine I was totally shocked to get this news.
Felt some pretty strong emotion and now just sending all the positive vibes I 
can your way. I'm sure you are gathering all or strength and determination 
(which I know you have a lot of) and getting ready to kick this cancers ass.
 You will have sooooooo many people fighting in your corner with you and that 
energy will be everything.
I will be thinking of you more then you could ever imagine. 
 Elaine -
You have everything going for you.  You are strong.  You are healthy.  You are a beautiful person.  I am indeed sending you and the family all my positive energy as you go through this difficult time.  It will be a bump in the road and your friends and loved ones will help you navigate through it.  Once it's over everything will be fine.  I believe it.

Let us help in any way we can.

Lots of love,
Elaine and James,
Your strength and positive energy are incredible.  We want to let you know that we are here if you need anything.  
You are all in our thoughts and we are sending you positive energy.
Alan, Jenny and the girls

Elaine and James,
I have been sitting here for a while and can’t really think of what to write.  I just wanted you to know that we are here for you and are willing to help in any way we can.
I know you guys will face this with strength and determination.   Anyone who can organize skiing into the Wheeler Hut with young kids and making freaking Crème Brulee with a blow torch is obviously a committed and resourceful team J
We are thinking good thoughts for all of you,

 Hi elaine. Been praying since Tuesday . So pleased to hear it's not 
spread.  Cancer is never good, but it's not all bad. You're on Lenzie 
union prayer chain and airdrie church football team's (don't ask!) 
I/we/us will keep praying for you and yours. You are mrs McFit! Has to 
be a payback for all that! Stay in touch. Drena and Hammie

Oh Elaine, i'm writing this message with much love and all the prayers I can send to you,James, Heather and Findlay. Although you are so far away I think of you often and wish that we could see you more. You have always been such a good friend and I wish I could be nearer to be able to help you and James at this very difficult time. 

What a shock this must be, for all of you and your family. Your mum and dad are also in my thoughts and I send them my love too. 

My first thought today was that I wished I could get on a plane and come and give you the biggest hug I could. 

I would like to phone you? Please when you can could you let me know your number.

With all my love and Ewan's love xxx

We're all so shocked and saddened after hearing your news, but at the same time we
also feel so positive, as we all agree that there is no one better suited than you
to fight this. If you can face this battle with the same positive attitude and 
determination that you have when living your life then I'm sure everything will
work out just fine.

No doubt you and James will have some difficult and challenging days ahead of you
but always remember we are all thinking about you and your family and are looking 
forward to the next "get together"
 Hi Elaine, just seen e-mail, our thoughts are with you both and the 
kids, not alot I can say to make it any easier for you apart from if you
 can stay married to our James for over 12 years then this should be a 
doddle!! Lots of love from me Sarah and the boys x
If I was standing beside you just now I would give you one great big hug so that's what this email represents a hug.
Even though your surname is Gunn you are still an Aitchison and I'm sure you will have the same strength and fight that has seen  your dad face his challenges over the years. You are young, fit, spirited and determined. That sounds like perfect ingredients to face this head on and beat it.
I know I'm far away but you are close in my thoughts and in my heart. Contact me anytime. I will always be here for you.
It's not an easy time for you all so I send you, James, the kids, your family and your friends who are there to support you all my love and positive thoughts
Ali x x x
I am so, so, so very shocked and saddened by your news.  I am so sorry that you and your family have to go through this ordeal.
You are a strong, amazing woman and I know you will give it the biggest fight ever!  You also have a terrific husband and the cutest kids ever to help you stay strong!
I am not a terribly religious person, but none the less, I am praying and sending positive vibes your way.  I want to help you and your family out in any way I can.  I really value our friendship at work and when we have done things outside of work.
When will you start treatment and what happens first?  Are your parents coming here?
Please keep me updated and do not hesitate to ask if there is something I can do.

Good morning our wee treasure Elaine. 
I know you're in a bit of troubled water just now. Please know you're in our 
thoughts always!!
Anyways, I was just thinking about our wee holiday where we kept the baileys in 
the fridge. We tackled many wee personal hurdles on that balcony, one of which was 
you showing your athletic skill by climbing In the window in a beautiful silk dress!!
There are 3 types of people in life; those that make things happen, those that 
watch and those that wondered what happened.
You're a strong girl whose made so much happen and you have James and your 
beautiful children to share it with. 
Keep strong.
You can beat this!!!
All our love and prayers,
Angie, Iain and KKtD xxxxx
 I think that anyone who has the stamina to run the marathon in San Fran
 like you did this fall has stamina and endurance...long suffering is 
the word they used to use in the very old days...anyways, you have it in
 you to see this
thru and we are here to help such a 'self-possessed' gal as yourself!! 
 I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks and gratitude to each 
and every one of you who have held me in your thoughts and offered support. I have
been overwhelmed with the kindness and donations of support you have shown me and 
my family through these challenging weeks. The past 4 weeks have been a roller 
coaster of a ride , thinking that if you get over one challenge or waiting for one
of the results that you will feel better, just to be confronted by the next.
We have gone through moments of despair and fear and moments of acceptance and 
trust. I have always believed in hope but never really understood its real 
necessity until now. We have to have hope and we have to stay positive, there is 
no other way to face this head on.
My treatment will begin on Tuesday with radiation for 5 days a week for 5 weeks 
along with weekly chemo. Then surgery some time after that. The journey is going 
to be tough, but I know I have a lot of family, friends and colleagues behind me,
and hey I am a wee tough Scottish lass, who has put up with an English husband 
and as my mum has recently told me , the words from a pre school teacher 38 years
 ago" ..the most self possessed child she had ever met....!," I am hoping that is 
a good trait!
Well just to say thank you again
Hi Elaine
Just a wee email to say I know you have another scan tomorrow. I'm praying for you,
and James and Heather and Finlay, along with a few dozen others, in churches
across the Glasgow area, not only for a good result tomorrow, but that you will 
know healing, every day, and a real sense of wellbeing. You are often in my 
thoughts, I know how loved you are in Canada,
and in Scotland, you are surrounded by love - on an international basis, and on a 
very personal basis, and you are surrounded by prayer. Only good can come from that. 

Now, on another note, Mrs McFit, you have so much strength, in so many ways.  Mrs 
Inglis from playgroup said 38 years ago that you were one of the most self-
possessed children she had ever met!
(I'll not say what she said about our Graeme!)  Your Mum and I went home and looked
 up self-possessed!   You are a young, fit, strong, intelligent, self-possessed 
woman, if anyone can deal with this - it's you. Believe that, it's true.
Much love
Many prayers
More Joy
Drena and Hammy

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