Monday, April 30, 2012

Easter Hunt

Once we got back from Maui  at 2 am on Friday morning, it was straight back to evening shift at 3pm until 11pm, however I was called back to work at midnight and ended up staying until 4am.So I eventually got to bed at 4.30 am,to then wake at 8.30 am and realise that I had to wake everybody up to get to the Waldorf Easter hunt for 10 am. The kids listened to a story and then had fun making crafts and planting wheat grass. They finished off with an Easter hunt to find painted pebbles in the garden. Then it was off to work again for me. Nothing like landing back to real life with feet running.



The next morning was a lazy start and our own Easter hunt.

Come and see what you can find,
Follow the rocks of every kind.
Start with purple behind the door,
it will be somewhere on the floor.

Collect small stones around your feet
and we will trade at the end for a special treat

Take a look around this stone
can you spot some small ones to own.
What,s the colour of the painted flower?
That's the next stone we need to follow!!

Climb the stairs and you will find 
a basket of treats of every kind.

Happy Easter.
The Easter Bunny.

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