Thursday, May 7, 2009

When the circus came to Canmore

The Circus came to town, and everybody who had kids were talking about it. Everybody had changed their daily routine to make it to the circus. I had tried to get Finlay to have a slightly earlier nap, and it's so funny to think that on any normal day he is happy to sleep for 2 hours, but when I actually need him to have a 2 hr nap so that he will last through the circus....Ohhhh no!!... Nuh huh !! Would he sleep? Would he heck !!!! Parents were picking their kids up from daycare early and the car park at the rec centre was solid.

We were greeted at the entrance by clowns. The ice had been removed from the arena and had been replaced with a circus stadium with elephant rides, face painting stands, light sabers, candy floss and more clowns. This time I was there early enough and able to get Heather's face painted and she was delighted. We met Daddy and took our seats and the loud music began. There were jugglers, acrobats, dancers, hula girls, fire eaters, beautiful white horses, dancing lions the whole works. I was holding Finlay and he was kicking his feet, waving his arms in the air to the music and shaking his head and when the audience clapped, he raised his hands in the air and clapped too!!... he lasted 3/4 way through and then it all got a bit too much and he expired in the car seat!!! Heather was so excited, she has never been to a circus and probably never really new what to expect, however she was thrilled and excited to be there and was amazed at all the action. Later in the evening she was jumping around and we asked her what she was doing and she said that she was being an acrobat!!!

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