Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Little Miss Independant

Heather loves going to the park and often wakes in the morning and the first words that come out are "Go to the park now?". In fact she loves it so much that one day she was being persistant and mum was obviously not moving fast enough for her excitement. As I was gathering all our bits and pieces and organizing Finlay, she was on the deck. I said to her to wait as I had to get Finlay from the house into the stroller. Came back and no Heather!!!!! Heart in mouth situation and I knew exactly where she was heading. I stridded after her and when I got there she was standing calling for "mumma!!!". Thank goodness the park is only two houses down, but still too far for a 2 year old. Now the peculiar thing is, that when we play hide and seek in the house, I normally I get about 3 seconds before she is eager to look for me, but when I actually manage to hide out of sight, she comes running back into the room calling for "mumma!!!" and if she can't see me I can hear the panic rising in her voice.

Heather has progressed to the big swing and is learning how to pump her legs to make her go higher, she enjoys riding on the swing on her tummy and being twisted around to then be spun back. Her attention span is increasing slightly and it is still challenging to capture these moments, however she recently sat with me and completed a 25 piece jigsaw , I was quite surprised and impressed.
She is now wanting to walk down the stairs by herself. This is great because I have been saying to her for months now that she can try by herself, but until now she wanted to be carried and this meant carrying the both of them down. Just a few days ago began taking herself to the wash room to pee and doing everything herself. Even at bedtime she wants to move her little stool to the big toilet and manages to get up on her seat by herself. However there are still a few frustrations for her, like when her bike is lying on the ground and she is unable to figure out how to pick it up, or when she is trying to get her train set bag out from under the table but the chair is in the way and she just pulls and pulls and then get frustrated when it doesn't come out. We go to her and calm her down then get her to look at the situation and work it out together....It's such a complicated life !!!!

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