Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sunny skies and sunny smiles

Recently the weather has been beautiful with sunny skies, warm temperatures and many people out and about enjoying the outdoor life. We have enjoyed walks down by the river and Heather loves to walk or run the whole way round. There is a grassy area near the river called central park and Heather loves to run up and down the hills. Just at the other side of the path there is the river and Heather also loves to throw stones into the water with varying degrees of success as you see below!!!...Lucky they didn't land on her head!!!!

She also loves to go to the park and is now asking to go even after dinner. There is no need for bundling up the kids so they have more freedom and ability to move around....a lot faster...., it is amazing to see how well she can suddenly climb, jump and run. Her confidence has grown as much as she has.

We have also enjoyed a few family bike rides. Once we managed to leave the drive way.
Heather was so excited to get her helmet on and go...but then she decided that she wanted to ride in the shopping bag on the back of the stroller or walk, by the time we explained to Heather that it would really be safer and more comfortable sitting down, Finlay was crying as he wasn't sure about the helmet situation!! With a little cajoling, a few kisses and smiles and excited giggles from Heather as we left, everybody seemed happy to be out!!

The helmet situation

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