Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Kikomun provincial park camping

Our family summer holiday this year was a six night camping trip to Kikomun Provincial Park in British Columbia, where the weather is a hot 30 c and it seems essential to have a warm lake to swim in. Coming from canmore where the weather is also usually warm in the summer, however and can guarantee two weeks of 30 degrees, however the rivers and the lakes remain icey cold and very refreshing. Here it was easy to take a leap and jump or even a run into the water and not turn blue when you come out.

The lake is the home to painted turtles, who swim and bask in the sun at the quieter end of the lake and we often too a break from the beach and canoed down to see them as well as the many fish. At the campsite there are another two lakes, hidden lake is a peaceful quiet lake with an abundance of wildlife floating around .The kids enjoyed trying to catch butterflies, dragonflies, lady birds with their nets and also watching the turtles basking in the sun only for them to slip into the water when they got too close.

On our little hikes we collected bits of nature to build a fairy house and Heather enjoyed adding and changing to this throughout the holiday. It seemed that the fairies were pretty impressed with it as they kept leaving little notes tied with grass and on one occassion they even left the kids 2 silver coins!!!

It was a lovely relaxing holiday, I woke at around 7.30 am and went for a daily jog trying to get the miles in for the up coming half marathon that I had signed up for after some sudden inspiration from out of the blue, despite the fact that it has been over ten years since my last half marathon, and I was a lot fitter back then.
Once back at the camper the kids would wake and then we would get breakfast made. We would often make it to the beach mid morning and the kids would spend time playing in the water building ,sand castles and enjoying a picnic lunch. In the afternoons we would canoe or go on a little adventure hike.

Then after dinner we would have stories round the camp fire roast our smores the kids would go to bed then I could sit by the campfire with my little lamp and read.....I actually was able to start and finish a book which for me now a days is a huge accomplishment.

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