Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Two wheelin'

From the beginning of summer Heather had been getting more confident on her bike until one day she was showing off to her friend and crashed into our neighbours car, since then she has been a little bit reluctant to ride her bike, meanwhile Finlay quickly got used to his run bike and loves to go over little ramps, whoop-de dupes. The run bike has to come everywhere with us.
Meanwhile we kept asking if Heather would like to go on her bike and often she would decline, and often we would take full advantage of when she was confident enough to get back on the saddle and I must say she is doing really well. One of our recent trips was from Banff to Cascade ponds which is about 1 1/2 miles along a bike path and they both managed to bike all the way there and all the way back.

While they were at Cascade ponds they enjoyed a picnic,flying kites and playing in water.

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