Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Fairy Houses

When we go camping Heather has a tradition that she builds a fairy house every trip we go on. Her and Finlay collect supplies from the surrounding forest and set to work building the little house and developing it over a few days. They enjoy leaving gifts and drawings, food and often bugs and caterpillars that Finlay finds as pets but don't survive, so he leaves them with the fairies and elves. Surprisingly they seem to get  good, encouraging response from the local forest fairies who often leave them little notes tied in grass!!! Honestly I don't know who has more fun!!!

This particular camping trip, Finlay found a caterpillar, which must have been on its last legs! Anyway he looked after it for the evening, but it became evident that it was not surviving, so he put it in the fairy house, pulled his camping chair up beside it and then sat and talked to it. The fairies then took it away to fairy land!!

There was also an emergency one morning. Finlay had put a blueberry in the house for the fairies after breakfast. On the way back from the washroom,Heather and I were met by Finlay running through the woods shouting that there was and emergency and that a Whiskey Jack had swooped in and stole the berry!!!

Their fairy houses have been healing places for rescued dragonflies, resting places for dead creatures and places for their imagination and creativity to run wild.

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