Monday, July 2, 2012

The magical world of Beatrix potter

The following day we took a trip to Bowness on Windermere to see the world of Beatrix Potter. Now I think the story goes that Gruncle Jeff had mentioned a scenic route across the countryside which Grandad thought was a great idea, however we drove through the clouds, saw waterfalls and windy roads up and down hills and as I looked at Finlay and Heather, quickly realised that this was perhaps not a good idea. Thankfully we had a polly bag and before long we had two kids puking up in the back of the car, a Mum in the middle passing the bag back and forth as best as possible, feeling quite quesey herself. However we arrived in one piece and not too messy...Grauntie Kath was there to meet us with the baby wipes!!!

However once we got our land legs we enjoyed a wet walk along the front and had a magical visit to the world of Beatrix Potter.

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