Who could resist an unexpected cheap deal to fly home last minute. The round trip special was announced if you could fly between the 26th June and return the 11th July. That was in 10 days time. Perfect timing as the schools had just finished for the summer and no trips planned for a while....a quick e mail to work and a pleasant response sealed the deal and the a phone message to Mum and Dad to see if there was room at the inn for a daughter and two little monsters!!!
We left rain and cloud in Calgary and arrived in rain and cloud in Glasgow, with excitement bubbling over from the kids and a warm welcome home. Heather had her own special room and Finlay got to share a room with me. The kids had traveled well and had both slept for two hours, albeit 6 hours into the journey and they kept on going throughout the day until Finlay fell asleep at the dinner table at 6pm and Heather shortly after that at 7pm...a whole 29 hours since waking the previous day.
Our first visit was of course was to see baby Rowan Rose who was only 3 weeks old and the kids were quite taken by her and eager to hold their new little cousin.
During our visit we were able to celebrate Uncle Gregor's birthday as we had arrive one day later and spent it at the Glasgow science centre and enjoying caterpillar cake. Finlay especially enjoyed spending time with his uncle learning how to play the guitar and singing.
Kids climbing the walls with their super powers!!!!