Monday, December 14, 2009

The beauty that exists at -30

Frosted glass in the true sense.
This is the window in our "mud room" (poarch)....not our bathroom!!!

Last weekend we had blizzards and freezing temperatures of -20 and the cold temperatures stayed with us and gradually became colder as the week went on, reaching as low as -30 in the mornings. We still managed to get Heather to school and even managed a trip there by sledge and I managed to get them out for a quick bit of sledging in the afternoons . There is a little play park two doors down from us that has a little hill and the kids had fun being towed around in their sledges and then having fun going down the hill. We arrived back home with rosy cheeks big smiles and I had a bit of frost around my chin!!!!

The beaty of frost.

We all felt the benefit of the fresh outdoor air. The kids are less irritable, they can then return to playing with each other as opposed to trying to annoy each other. The house seems to get a break and I come home with new energy .
It seems that as long as the sun is shining, temperatures of below -20 can be bearable for the kids for about 30-60 mins before the sun disappeared behind the mountains.

The house feels warm, almost too hot sometimes when the sun is shining and we open the blinds to allow the heat of the sun to warm the air in the house. As soon as the sun sinks behind those tall mountains at around 3pm the "heat", or supposed heat, disappears and you can feel the air in the house cooling down, that is when the thermostat goes up and the blinds are closed. If you are outdoors, that's the time to come indoors!!!

I am so glad that we live on the sunny side of the valley!!!!

The people who live on the other side of the valley loose the sun at 11am during Dec and Jan and the snow can last an extra month. Brrrrrrr can you imagine how cold that would be!!!!

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