Sunday, November 15, 2009

Such a stroppy sook

It seems that our wee Finlay boy has reached the terrible two's at 16 months. First it started with wriggling and chasing at bum change, then it was a chase to get his coat on, then it was a struggle to get him in the car seat, and now it seems that it is a struggle with all of these things as well as getting him in the high chair !!!! ( and he isn't walking yet ). At first I thought that he may be just acting up to me as James seemed to manage the bum and the coat, however that idea was soon dissolved when meal time came!!!!

A story of popping shirt button comes to mind !!!....and it's not my side of the family...!!!!...well actually it could be !!!!!

At times I find myself wondering if that extra errand I want to squash into the afternoon is really worth it. Anyway it does seem that a quick visit to the park diverts that energy and all is forgotten when he is given the opportunity to climb and go down the slide head first.
At the same time he is the sookiest wee boy full of smiles and giggles, loves kisses and hugs

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