Friday, August 29, 2008

Potty Party Time

Last Thursday, the thought of trying to potty train Heather came upon me, she has had a potty to play with for a while and had actually peed in it once about 2 months ago, but at the time I had no real plan on starting the training, neither did I have a plan on how I was going to do it. As a mum you are very aware of your childs actions and cues and I had become more aware of when Heather was having to pee or poop.
So armed with 20 pairs of colourful big girl pants, a potty, a potty party hat, a potty sticker board, a potty book and a pack of Huggies night time pull ups, we ventured forth into letting Heather become a big girl!!! After the first day of spending indoors, observing Heather's cues and getting her over the fear of the potty by having a funny dance with potty hats lots of hugs, praise and high fives everytime she sat and peed, things were going well. The excitement, happiness and self esteem that you could see in her face was amazing, as she realised that she could do this. Over the next few days everything went well, all be it, we have had a few accidents along the way, one on a park bench, while playing with friends and another while she was helping to put the shopping away and peed on a fresh loaf of bread!!! I'm sure there will be plenty more accidents, but the main thing is that she is getting the idea and really, there is no going back now.

Heather, the big girl now!!!

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