Sunday, November 16, 2014

Day Four, right on time

Day Four, right on time!!!
Elaine had a restless night and felt lethargic in the morning, as the day unfolded she became more and more tied. Apparently typical for day 4.
The cells look like they are getting a second wind, right on time!! These special forces guys are high maintenance, apparently they need a clean up team and caterers to feed them!! the feeding and cleaning up, is causing a hormone release in elaines body. The hormone release is a natural reaction aimed at stimulating her own body to provide these caterers and cleaners and make up for the special forces guys inability to provide for themselves.
However, as I now know, this war comes with complications, spikes in temperature and Rigor's. All expected but Elaine's medical team still run antibiotics and anti fungal by IV. They also test the blood, run x-rays and administer other drugs to reduce the fever. This has lead to elaine sleeping for the whole afternoon and early evening.                                                 
By Joanne Attenborough
Sounds like the medical team are right on top of everything as always, hugs To you both xxxx
 By Mary AITCHISON                                                                                                                                                  By Mary AITCHISON                                                            
Auntie Margaret here visting Lenzie and reading your caringbridge sending you lots of love and I know you have the strength to get through this Days full of sunshine
By Marilyn Ashmore
Keep smiling and stay postive remember we love you loads xx
By Jeffrey Meads
Stay strong Elaine and keep fighting, you're doing great! Love you xx
By Laura Ashmore
Keep fighting James and Elaine x
We love you xxx
By Shannon & Chad Cavanagh
Oh, Elaine you are doing so well.
Keep it up, we are so proud. Love you! xo
By aoife brogan
Go Elaine Go!
You are a mighty fighter:)
By Wendy McGregor
Keep fighting Elaine. We are right there with
By Amy Gagnon
Thinking of you both.

On The Up

On The Up

Feeling more human now, nausea is subsiding and my appetite is slowly returning.
I continue on IV antibiotics every 4 hours, to prevent infection in my Hickman line. Today I required  a blood transfusion. Other than that I am free from the pole.
Know that I am feeling more human and less foggy, I thought it would be an idea to recap on the journey so far. A friend received this from a 'Science Guy" had a really good analogy.
They have removed cells from the bone marrow by doing the stem cell harvest. The marrow is responsible for generating antibodies, then expose them to artificially created proteins "signatures" found only on the surface of her cancer cells so they are triggered to produce exceptionally high levels of antibodies to target and kill her cancer cells. Its a bit like showing a room full of special forces guys a picture of a baddie so they can then go forth, seek out and kill the baddies. There are all manner of challenges and complexities along the way, but we're basically manipulating our intrinsic immune system to get much better at recognising and then killing tumour cells.
Aldesleukin is basically synthetic interleukin 2( a cytokine) which boosts the production of other immune system cells (T lymphocytes and natural killer( NK) cells. It is given to improve the efficiency of the immune system once the special ops guys get to see a picture of the baddie.
So with my new 300million cells, aided with my boosted T lymphocytes and Natural killer cells and a support from amazing family, friends and community. This cancer has It's challenges ahead........with some prayers to God !!!!!

By Julie Young
Hope those baddies are quick at packing as it sounds like it's time to ship out before the special ops seek them out-yay!!!
Think those losers have more than outstayed their welcome!
Stay positive Elaine, keep focussed-it really feels like you're on the home straight now xxxxx                                                  
                           By Joanne Attenborough

Glad you have clever friends, great explanation, I am more your chitter chatter walking friend! Must be so nice to be free from the pole and have an appetite again. Xxxx                                                             
By Laura Ashmore

Come on fighter cells! Do your business!                                                                                                                                   
By Paul Mowson

So glad you are feeling a little better and getting your appetite back Elaine - and no pole! I'm sure those special forces guys are doing their stuff and are gonna kick some serious ass, all 300m of them! Sending lots of love and positivity xx
By Laura Mackintosh

Go special forces cells. You are always in my heart and mind xxx
By aoife brogan

I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more...
The proclaimers :-)
You are doing brilliant Elaine!
By Amy Gagnon

Thanks for that explanation Elaine! I'm glad you are starting to feel better. We think of you often and I can explain to my boys about the treatment you are getting. Being boys, I think they will love that analogy! Take care, sending positive thoughts your way!
By Lorraine Vincent have been through a lot! Glad you are starting to feel a little better. So glad James could be there with you. Stay strong and positive                                                                                                                        
By Robbie Berendt

Sounding good. I really like the simplified explanation, it all makes sense. Keep up the good work


Elaine received her 5th dose of aldesleukin last night at 11 pm she started to get some side affects throughout the night and in the early hours of the morning. The doctors were very satisfied that she had received enough aldesleukin to kick start the cells and took her off the drug. Elaine is still confined to the ward and will be for the next few days due to her neutropenia. Her appetite is still low and will be for a few days. We now have to monitor her for signs of infection and ensure that her blood work keeps improving. The side effects settled down as the days events unfolded. She managed a few walks around the ward, while friends in Canmore ran the Terry Fox run for Elaine. Amazing friends, it brought tears to Elaine's eyes looking at all the photos coming in by email and social media. she feels very loved and supported.                                                  
By Joanne Attenborough
Paul ran the terry fox for you yesterday and I ran round the streets of Arnold this morning for you :-) xxx                                                             
By Linda Bell
Awww! She is doing brilliantly!! Huge hugs from all of us. X
By Barbara Jungmann
Elaine...I know you are brave...I know you are tough...remember we love you! We are thinking of you!! Although I didn't do the Terry Fox Run today I went up Lady Mac and could hear the loud speakers announcing the race. It was great! I thought of your kids. Remember... you are on your on race right now...a very very important one..AND remember we are lining you pathway cheering you on!!!! It takes the Sun and the Rain to make a Rainbow! You are having some rain...we are your rain gear! We love you and are SOOOOO cheering you on! Barb                                                                                                                     
By Laura Mackintosh   
Team Mack wish you all the very best Lainey and James too. Stay thrawn xxxx