Saturday, December 1, 2012

House fun and Face painting

 Some weekends after a busy week of school and activities it is sometimes nice to just sleep in and not have to rush out anywhere. Heather and Finlay have become great play mates and can play for hours with few arguments.Often Heather leading the free play with her elaborate imagination, this is when they have the best fun .Playing fairies, princesses, bad guys, animals, dressing up . They also enjoy painting, crafts and getting their face painted. I paint their faces at home and heather has taken a real interest in doing face painting and also applying my make up. But as you can see we make have a professional in our midst.!!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

November skating

While James has been stuck in our bathroom for the past 2 months renovating the smallest room in the house measuring 5 ft x10ft. It seems that house hold renovations take that much longer now that James works regular days and I work my evening shift every second weekend, leaving James to look after the kids.

While James has been in the bathroom, I try to get the kids out the house and run off some energy. I November the temperatures dropped to allow us some early skating on creeks and lakes, before the heavy snow falls and then you have to do your own snow removal on the unmaintained secret places.

Carrot Creek is a place that I have heard people talk about and got the scoop from one of the doctors at work. So we piled in the car, drove on the highway just past the park gates and then crossed to the East bound lane, pulled over where the wild life fence leaves the road side and heads down hill. We had a look at this steep hard packed trail but didn't fancy the steep slide through trees. Heather, Finlay and I decided to take the snow covered grassy route down, which joined up to the path, went through the fairy gate, leading to the fairy wood where we followed the trodden trail along a ridge. The next obsactle was a steep decent down a treed embankment, which looked pretty pricarious and some kind, knowing person had tied a climbing rope to help with the decent. A further walk through the wood til we eventually came across the frozen creek. The wind was quite strong that day and it was fun to skate up wind to then be blown back.

 Down you go!

" Fairy forest"

 windy weather

 wipe outs
 the best reward

It has been quite a while since we have been skating, and after some success and some falls, we enjoyed a hot chocolate before our return journey through the fairy forest.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012