The full moon was on January 11th and it has been said that the Goat Creek trail, from Canmore to Banff is just amazing, and if caught at the right time, you don't have to use a head torch. This is a 15 km cross country ski trail through a mountain valley starting near Canmore and ending up 3 hours later in Banff. We have a few adventurous and crazy people in our neighbourhood who were up for a good night out. So on the Sunday 11th the five boys left at 9pm with their backpacks filled with first aid kit, bear spray, extra clothing and a few snacks and one can of beer. They completed the run in 3 hours, returning at 1 am. The following day they were raving about it so much that the girls felt that it was something that they could also do and also do quicker than them!!!....
The race was on!!!
So on the Wed night the four girls left at 9 pm with backpack filled with first aid kit,bear spray, extra clothing and a few snacks, no beer. We completed it in 2 1/2 hours. We didn't have the privilege of a full moon and had to use our head torches the whole time. However, when we arrived at the end and got to the van, after having to extricate the spare key from somewhere under the wheel arch, we were welcomed by a crate of beer and 2 large bags of crisps!!!! We then turned round to enjoy seeing the moon rise out from behind the mountains into the valley that we had just skied through.
The whole experience was amazing the smell of pine was accentuated, I'm sure due to the fact that our vision was reduced and our other senses were more alert. We stopped on many occassions to turn our tourches off and look at the thousands of stars and listen to the silence of the forest and the mountains.The shadows of the trees sillouetted against a star lite sky was beautiful . And the mountains looked larger than ever with their snow capped summits shining in the night sky.
Of course I was pretty tired the following day. When I crept into the house Finlay woke for a feed and then he wanted feeding again at 6 am. Oh well no rest for the wicked, but if you are going to be tired, then you may as well be tired, while enjoying yourselves!!!