Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Eat those veggies!!!

Heather is growing into a little girl very quickly and is changing week to week. Until recently, the night time routine ends with mum or dad singing songs, now we are accompanied by the little voice of Heather. Some of the songs she has heard for months now, however she is even able to remember the words to new songs ....remembering them better than mum and dad. Her evening repertoire is Frere Jaque, Miss Polly had a dolly, twinkle twinkle, the wheels on the bus and I love you. Every song in that exact order!!!She loves to run and dance and sing to music while Finlay is having his bath and it is hilarious to see her wiggle her bum and shoulders. In the mornings, she sometimes is determined to put on her pants and trousers independently. She is a great help in the kitchen and often wants to stand on a chair to help make her own dinner and loves to make muffins and cookies.

It is amazing to see toddlers develop a sense of self and realize what they want and what they don't want!!!....And we all hear about what they don't want!!!!

Heather has always been fussy about eating veggies and I have even been known to try and make fruit smoothies with a veggie added here or there...however she sometimes gets wise to this and encourages me to be more creative. A few nights ago we prepared a dinner together and she was really excited to help, however, when the plate was presented on the table , she was having none of it!!!! I then started making faces out of the veggies on the tray and she eagerly ate 4 of them!!!!

I'm sure all experienced mothers have tried that before, but it is quite satisfying to think that you have overcome another protest!!!!

Snow has arrived

Another outing with the parents!!!!

Snow has arrived and of course James and I couldn't wait to get out and have some fun!!!
Well even a Walk around Lake Louise is classed as fun these days!! It was good practice for us to get back into the swing of things for winter and to try and remember what you need and what you should never forget during outings in winter in Canada. The walking was made easier as we attached the skies instead of the back wheels on the chariot, making it a smoother ride for the kids.

Yes .....We are having fun!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Zero, One, Two

With zero children you do what you want
With one child you do what they want
With two children you don't do what anyone wants.
But with a sense of humour, some flexibility,
some routine and lots of commitment and alot of love
you get through a busy day and it is all extremely fulfilling.

Tormenting Two's

Heather is going through a difficult time at the moment. She is unable to decide whether she loves her little " Flinlay boy" or not. Sometimes she is so kind and loving, giving gentle hugs and kisses, becoming possessive and protective if other children come too close to him, saying comments like "My Flinlay!!!!" , or gets concerned if he is left too long by the side of the pool. However other times she will crawl up to him, get nice and close, then suddenly smack him on the head or puts her whole weight on his stomach or bounce him recklessly in the bouncy chair. Put it this way...Finlay felt the wrath of a plastic plate over his head!!!
So now we are helping her through this difficult time, keeping a very close eye on the interaction, telling her that we can't hit little babies and then we praise her when she shows affection and is gentle. She is as bright as a button and knows when she has done wrong and has been known to take herself to the naughty step!!!!


Cute as a button!

Finlay is now very aware of his surroundings and the toys around him. A few days ago,while trying to get his thumb in his mouth, he accidentally knocked and moved one of his toys and made it move. He looked at it and then did it again, there is no stopping him now, he is grabbing and reaching for anything that is brought into view. He also has become aware of his fingers and hands and putting them together to inspect his fingers.

Fingers all present and correct!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween, Heather and Finlay went out early to visit the neighbours and got some candy and then we were able to come home and wait for the older kids to come to our house. Heather was excited to look out the window to see who was coming next and would shout out " people coming !!! " then run to the door and wait anxiously for the knock on the door and children shouting out " Trick or treat". She was thrilled to hand out the candy and say "Happy Halloween" to all her visitors.